Em is back!
Dopo Relapse il 2010 segna l'uscita di un nuovo capolavoro targato Slim Shady. Dalla mente di Marshall è uscito Recovery, album introspettivo che ci da un'immagine "ripulita" del rapper di Detroit. Molte le collaborazioni che forse non hanno portato ai risultati sperati, vedi i duetti con Lil Wayne e quello con Rihanna, differente invece quello con Pink che in "won't back down" lascia trasparire un'anima rock poco visibile nei precedenti album, tranne rare eccezioni. Bellissima "You're never over" dedicata allo scomparso Proof
"Homie I know I'm, never gonna be the same with you
I woulda never came in this game, I'm going insane without you
Matter of fact it was just the other night, had another dream about you
You told me to get up, I got up and spread my wings and I flew
You gave me a reason to fight, I was on my way to see you
You told me nah Dudey, you're not layin' on that table I knew
I was gonna make it, soon as you said think of Hailie, I knew
There wasn't no way that I was gonna ever leave them babies, and Proof
Not many are lucky enough to have a guardian angel like you
Lord I'm so thankful, please don't think I don't feel grateful, I do
Just grant me the strength that I need, for one more day to get through
So homie this is your song, I dedicate this to you
I love you Dudey "
I woulda never came in this game, I'm going insane without you
Matter of fact it was just the other night, had another dream about you
You told me to get up, I got up and spread my wings and I flew
You gave me a reason to fight, I was on my way to see you
You told me nah Dudey, you're not layin' on that table I knew
I was gonna make it, soon as you said think of Hailie, I knew
There wasn't no way that I was gonna ever leave them babies, and Proof
Not many are lucky enough to have a guardian angel like you
Lord I'm so thankful, please don't think I don't feel grateful, I do
Just grant me the strength that I need, for one more day to get through
So homie this is your song, I dedicate this to you
I love you Dudey "
queste sono alcune delle splendide parole donate da Eminem all'amico brutalmente ucciso. Considerato uno dei 30 migliori album del 2010 "Recovery" è un viaggio all'interno dell'universo Eminem in cui si intrecciano miriadi di stati d'animo e sensazioni che portano chi ascolta il cd ad una sorta di estasi sensoriale. Alcuni dicono che le rime non sono più quelle di una volta ma vi assicuro che le sensazioni avute sentendo questo album sono le stesse di sempre. Rime taglienti e voce stridula...Shady è tornato!
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